Council Plan

In January 2022, the council adopted its Council Plan 2022 - 2025

This sets out the council’s achievements, its vision for the parish, its purpose, values, objectives, and key priorities for the next four years.

The aim of the Council Plan (the Plan) is to give East Preston’s parishioners a clear understanding of what the Parish Council (the Council) does and what it is trying to achieve. It details what the Council intends to focus on over the next three years. The Plan is a ‘live’ document that we will review annually, use to inform and direct our budgetary decisions, plan activities for the coming year and enable the Council to monitor its progress against the key priorities.

The plan is very much about steering the village in the way in which the residents would like to see the village develop. If you have any comments about this document, please send them to the Clerk at the Council Office, 122 Sea Road, East Preston, BN16 1NN or or come along to a monthly council meetings – these usually take place on the first working Monday of the month, more details available from the Clerk or the council’s website.