Arun District Council, whose offices are at Maltravers Road, Littlehampton (tel 01903 737500) are the local planning authority for East Preston.
East Preston Parish Council is a consultee only in respect of all planning applications received by the District Council for the civil parish area of East Preston. This means that elected Councillors serving on the Parish Councils Planning & Licensing Committee have the opportunity to consider all plans received and to forward their recommendations to the District Council. It needs to be emphasised that it is the District Council that determines whether planning permission should be granted or not. In reaching a decision the District Council considers the planning issues involved, their own local plan policies, the Parish's Neighbourhood Plan, planning guidance issued by central government and all recommendations received from consultees including the Parish Council, local neighbours and others.
Planning applications submitted within the parish of East Preston are displayed on the right-hand side of this page as soon as they are registered with the planning authority. However, this window will only display those submitted within the last 14 days. To look for applications more than 14 days old use the search facility below.
41 The Roystons East Preston
36 Roundstone Crescent East Preston
No row returned means there are none at present. This list shows applications registered in the last 14 days. For more applications go to